Have you ever heard of CBD benefits for dogs or wondered to yourself if CBD would help your dog? Perhaps you have heard that CBD is a canine form of CBD, but aren’t sure what CBD is and wondering how it would help your dog. Well, there are many reasons why CBD may benefit your dog, and today we’re going to look at just two. Hopefully by the time you’ve finished reading this, you’ll have some better understanding of CBD and how it might benefit your dog.
Two of the most common CBD benefits for dogs are the ability to treat and manage pain and the ability to alleviate pain. In addition to easing pain, CBD treats anxiety and other issues that can lead to your dog experiencing pain and/or anxiety. If your pet has chronic pain, the CBD oil can help to reduce the inflammation in their system, which can improve their overall health and quality of life.
Now, let’s talk about how CBD might benefit us. Some people are concerned that CBD doesn’t work well in pets because it can have the opposite effect in animals as it does in humans. Because CBD doesn’t have the same effect in animals like dogs and cats, they are often given CBD along with other anti-inflammatory drugs. However, some new studies are indicating that CBD benefits for pets could go further than reducing inflammation and improving overall health. Some of the latest studies are suggesting that CBD can actually target the inflammation in the body itself which could be useful in reducing the symptoms of many types of illnesses including arthritis and joint pain.
This post was written by Flo Sugyatno, operations manager of LOCAL’d and cannabis expert. LOCAL’d is a helping hand to the companies that strengthen your community in the Washington, DC area. Helping them to grow through financial and promotional support, LOCAL’d is a weed delivery Washington DC service!