If you’re confused as to what stress is caused by, then you need to educate yourself as best you can. If you’re not properly educated on stress you’ll end up confused. Keep reading for a factual and helpful overview of what stress is and how it can affect you.
Do not constantly talk about “stress.” The word works only to constantly remind you how stressed you are; it becomes a new cause of stress. Using the word, either out loud or in your head, will just make you more stressed, so find a substitute and use it instead.
Animal ownership is wonderful for relieving stress. Studies have shown that petting a cute animal reduces stress levels in just a few minutes.
Write about the stress you are experiencing. Sometimes people feel stressed about a situation that they can’t reveal to others. In these cases, writing about the situation can be very therapeutic. Keep all this information in a diary so whenever you want to know how you handled a previous stressful situation, the helpful information is available.
When people are feeling stressed they often turn to alcohol and other drugs for relief. When the way someone feels about their life turns entirely negative, substance abuse offers an escape from the pain. Drugs including alcohol, however, are never the solution to your problems. These kind of products will only serve to cause more issues in the long run.
You may think that you will never be able to live your life without stress, but actually, a stress-free life is easy to arrange. Once you become more attuned to different causes of stress in your life, you will be able to take the necessary actions to avoid or reduce exposure to these things.
Sipping on hot tea can relieve your stress. Some of the best stress-relieving teas are chamomile, passionflower, and kava kava. To get the most of the herbs in these teas, steep them for about 10 minutes. Enjoy a steaming cup of tea every morning or immediately before bedtime.
Honesty is always the best policy. Even telling little white lies adds to your stress as you will worry about the truth being revealed.
Using breathing techniques to deal with stress is simple and effective. When we are under stress, our breathing becomes rapid and shallow, so learning to breathe properly will help reduce stress and tension in your daily life. This is an easy way to relieve stress and can be added to your routine so you can relax.
Get rid of your stress. Many people are opposed to change, despite the fact that it is an essential task if you want to reduce your stress levels. Once you know that you are hurting yourself by getting rid of stress in your life, you can make changes. Break bad habits, and reduce the resulting stress by focusing on the benefits of a change.
Doing things at the last minute is hectic and stressful. Reduce your stress levels by planning things well ahead of time. For instance, if your gas tank indicator is showing that you are low on gas, go to the gas station to fill up before you run out of gas.
Sip on orange juice or snack on citrus fruits whenever you’re feeling stressed out. This vitamin can also help to prevent mild illness, such as a cough or cold.
Limbic System
One overlooked but effective method to combat stress is to simply smile more. Smiling uses muscles in your face that then trigger positive emotional centers in your brain, called the limbic system. Simply smiling will work to tilt the limbic system into a calmer state, and that is an excellent way to lower stress.
Paying close attention when you first receive instructions will lead to less stress later. In order to relieve stress, always be sure to listen attentively when instructions are given. For example, pay extra attention whenever your doctor, boss or teacher is giving you important information.
Try relaxing by letting your eyes close while you listen to soothing music. Things that are soothing to the senses can take away tension and stress. Music is also a great way to focus on something different from your own thoughts that might be contributing to your stress. While enjoying this music, let your mind drift to relaxing and positive thoughts. All of this will help smooth away the tension you have acquired during your day’s activities.
Aromatherapy could be a good way to relax for you. The sense of smell is very powerful and the right scents can thwart stress. Your olfactory senses will send soothing, relaxing signals to your brain to help you fight stress if you take in soothing smells such as chamomile or lavender. You can use scented candles for a long-lasting effect within a room.
Create plans. Thinking about the future can take your mind off the stress you are experiencing in the present. Plan to go to a movie, concert or some other show, for example.
You have to get comfortable with saying “no” on occasion. You can’t say yes to everyone in your life, every time they ask a favor of you. It’s just an invitation to shoulder extra stress that you don’t need. Help people when you can, and say no when you do not have the time or skills. You are making the best choice for yourself, which is very important.
Do not use shallow breathing to try to reduce stress; it is bad for your lungs and your heart. Deep breathing ensures adequate oxygen transportation throughout the entire body and encourages relaxation. Practice breathing techniques and remind yourself during the day to take time out to breath deeply and diminish your stress. Go ahead and breath in deeply.
The information here has provided some ideas on the nature and causes of stress. Applying what you read here will give you some insight to overcome its effects.