You should consider stress to be a bad word. Everyone, no matter what their personality is like, will experience stress. Some stress can be avoided and some cannot. How you deal with stress is an important factor in your life. Those of you whom desire a better understanding of how your stress affects you and can be managed should read the tips below.
Make a list of all of your major sources of stress and assign each one a number between one and ten. Start with minor issues as a 1, all the way up to catastrophes at a 10. This will really help you not stress over minor things.
Practice relaxing your jaw in order to break the habit of grinding your teeth. When you are under a heavy load of stress, your whole body feels it, but it’s especially felt in your jaw. Gently hold your hand around your jaw while your jaw is closed. Then, take a breath. Finally, exhale while releasing your jaw. This is an exercise to help ease stress and discomfort.
Avoid, overusing the word “stress”. Self-suggestion does work. If you think about how stressed your life is, it will only increase your stress level. It can become a habit to say the word or think the word over and over, but this can elevate the level of stress and you will actually feel it more. One way to combat this negative self talk is to find another word to describe what you’re feeling.
Some people, when they get stressed out, end up turning to drugs or alcohol. These methods only provide temporary relief for those that use them. You should never turn to drugs or alcohol to relieve stress. They will most likely make your life even more complicated and should not be used as an answer to your stress problems.
Let those around you know to not take your stress personally; that it is not them that caused it. Often, spouses and children especially, feel they may have contributed to your mood because they did something wrong. Seek out the support of your loved ones, but never make them feel like they are to blame.
Get some spearmint oil to reduce your stress. In stressful situations, rub a small amount of oil on your pulse points. Sometimes it is the simple remedies that can be the most effective treatment for stress.
Video games can provide wonderful relief from stress for those who enjoy them. When playing a game, focus on the strategy so that you can clear your thoughts. Playing with friends or alone will help improve your mood and relieve your stress.
Arts and crafts make excellent stress-relieving pastimes. Creating something allows your mind to express itself and to stop focusing on stressful matters.
One common stress-reliever is listening to music. Listening to your favorite song can really help to calm you down, as well as elevate your mood. You will be able to focus on the music you love and forget about the rest.
When it seems like your entire day is filled with stress, spend some time determining what is really important to you and your life. Knowing which things are truly important to you will help you keep stressful situations in perspective and live a happier, less troubled life.
Visual Imagery
Visual imagery can be a great stress reduction tool. Research has suggested that applying calm, visual imagery is extremely effective for reducing stress. You may imagine relaxing on a sunny beach or soaking in a warm bath, picturing your stress melting away in the sun or evaporating in the steam. To do this, lie down, make sure your eyes are closed, and turn off any noise makers around. When you visualize something tranquil in this manner, your stress is sure to drop.
Try to focus your attention on the quality of your breathing on a regular basis. By taking deep breathes, more oxygen will be entering your body and bloodstream. This in turn will help you relax faster. When people are under a lot of stress, they tend to take shallow breathes filling up only the upper chest with air. Shallow breathing can add to feeling stressed because heart rates are increased and chest muscles tighten.
Get yourself a pet. Petting an animal helps to eliminate negative thoughts and reduces tension on your body. In addition, many anmimal behaviors can be a good example to you, such as the ability to live in their immediate surroundings without looking to the future or past. Having a pet or two can soothe and relax you so you are better able to cope with stressors.
Smile more to reduce stress! Keep in mind how hard it would be to be sad if you are smiling. Each time you open your mouth to smile, the limbic system receives transmissions from your nerve impulses. This tilts your emotions toward calm, and has an instant, positive effect on any feelings of being stressed.
When you are feeling stressed out, eat something you love to eat. This is a good solution only if you have enough self-control not to overeat. For best effect, savor every single bite that you take, and focus on how good the dessert tastes in your mouth. If you do this occasionally, it can help you with stress.
If you follow the tips provided here, you can manage your stress and find relief. Although it isn’t possible to eliminate all stress from your life, it is possible to eliminate some of it. The way you handle stress completely rests on you. Your quality of life depends on the way you react to what stresses you, so learn to control your stress. If you do, you will live a healthier and happier life.