Everyone wants the lustrous hair of a beauty commercial, but the harder we try, the more damaged our hair becomes. Achieving a balance between condition and style requires careful thought and know-how. This article will show you some easy ways you can get your hair healthy and looking great.
To get your hair in better condition and make it stronger, try not to use too many hand-held drying devices. Blow-dryers and curling irons can really take a toll on your hair, making it difficult or impossible to tame frizz and repair damage. Every once in a while, give your hair a break and lay off the heat!
Try a deep conditioning treatment if your hair feels dry. After removing excess moisture from your hair, apply a generous amount of conditioner and wear a shower cap. The extra heat created by the cap allows the conditioner to penetrate further into your hair follicles.
Hair dryers can harm hair. The key is to keep the dryer on its coolest setting, and keep the tool in continuous motion so that individual patches of hair are not subjected to excessive heat. Untangle knots with your fingers while drying your hair to avoid damaging your hair when you brush it afterward.
Some people enjoy what salt water does for their hair, and if you are one of them then you will surely enjoy the products that copy the impact of salt water on your hair. Seek out sprays that are called “salt spray” or another similar name. You can create your own ocean waves at home. Simply add a teaspoon of table or kosher salt in several ounces of water. If desired, you can also add lavender oil (ten drops) for a pleasant scent and moisturizing effect.
When you are towel drying your hair, don’t tug on it or rub it vigorously. Being to rough with your hair can cause breakage and cause it to look bad over time. Rather, pat your hair dry, squeeze extra moisture with your hands, or sweep the hair up into a towel. Steer clear of combing or brushing wet hair if you do not own a comb with wide teeth.
Eat a healthy diet to get beautiful hair. Hair is a living part of your body, so you must sustain it from the inside with vitamins and nutrients. A deficiency in any combination of nutrients can lead to weak, brittle and unattractive hair. Certain deficiencies can even cause you to lose your hair. To keep your hair as healthy as possible, eat the right kinds of food.
One useful supplement for healthy hair growth that you can absorb through food is probiotics. Check out the infographic below to see what probiotics can do for your hair growth!

Infographic provided by MAXIM Hair Restoration, an FUT procedure clinic.
Blow Dry
Reduce how much you blow dry your hair. The heat from a blow-dryer is often damaging to hair, so make sure to dry it naturally. If you have blow dry your hair, maintain a cool setting, and avoid putting it on the same spot for too long. To quickly dry your hair, towel dry it before you use a blow dryer.
As you look for new hair products, seek those made of primarily natural substances. Make sure your hair type matches the shampoos and conditioners that you buy. Don’t hesitate to use various products to see what works best.
If you colored your hair, remember to wait forty eight hours before using a shampoo. Your hair’s cuticle needs time to relax and re-seal after being subjected to chemical treatments; this keeps the color locked in longer. Even a little bit of dampness can open your hair’s cuticle during the 48-hour period. Having patience will reward you with shiny and healthy hair.
Resist the habit of using only one type or brand of hair products. Switching up the types of shampoos you use can really have a positive effect on your hair. Another brand may remove all the buildup and keep your scalp clean and healthy.
If you are an avid swimmer, get your hair wet before entering the water, as this reduces chlorine absorption. Also, if you don’t want to swim with a cap on, you should wash your hair as soon as you get out of the pool to keep damage at a minimum.
When you brush your hair, start at the ends of your hair, then brush your way up. Start at the ends of your hair, and brush the tangles out slowly to avoid damaging your hair. After the knots are removed, gentle strokes can be used over your entire head of hair.
Try your best to prevent sun damage to your hair. Certain hair products contain sunscreen. A hat is always a good option. You should worry about protecting your skin and your hair. Your hair is also vulnerable to sun damage.
You should use deep conditioner on hair that is very dry. If your hair is dry and brittle, you can really help it with a home deep- conditioning treatment. Just make sure your clean hair is a little damp. Then saturate your hair with a good dollap of conditioner. Next, you should put on a cap that is plastic so the conditioner can soak for about 30 minutes. Rinse and wash thoroughly, and you will have a more moisturized hair.
Modern society can put hair through the ringer, so when someone has amazing hair, the world takes notice. All the products that people spray into their hair can build up over time and many hair tools damage hair rather then gently detangle it. Hopefully, this article has introduced you to a few new ways to achieve a balance between great control, style and condition!